I.B.M. Member Profile
Magician, Writer, Editor
About Samuel Patrick Smith
SAMUEL PATRICK SMITH is the Executive Editor of the International Brotherhood of Magicians' monthly journal, The Linking Ring. He has been a member of the I.B.M. since 1977. The author of nine books, including Big Laughs for Little People and Kiddie Patter and Little Feats, he is also the founder of SPS Magic which has produced over 50 books, videos, and props for kid-show and family entertainers. Two signifigant mentors in his magical life include Burling Hull (1889-1982), inventor of the Svengali Deck and the Floating Light Bulb, and the lengendary Fetaque Sanders (1915-1992), a leading African American magician whose career spanned twenty-five years, from 1931 to 1958. In addition to magic, Sammy's interests include history, biography, books, and antique phonographs.