I.B.M. Member Profile

Pasquale & Uncle Vito

The World's Greatest One-Man Magic Duo

About Pasquale Palazzolo

Pasquale & Uncle Vito

When I was a kid, my crazy Uncle Vito would torment me with his weird eyeball ring.  Making me feel like I was constantly watched as most Italian boys should be.  Even though these were pranks, there was always a mystery surrounding Uncle Vito and the curiosities he'd come to acquire over the years.  It all started with that stinkin' ring though.

When Uncle Vito passed on to greener pastures in 1993, the ring was given to me.  Along with that came a string of oddities and mysteries the crazy guy kept around.  Each one has a different story and a strange phenomenon surrounding it.

Beyond that, I like to invite my viewers to see what it's like growing up surrounded by the feeling of being watched by crazy Italians.  Come along...you'll "see".


~ Pasquale


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