I.B.M. Member Profile
Dale Hopkins Cowboy Magician
Transform your sense of wonder. It's the cowboy way..
About Dale Hopkins
Welcome to the magical world of cowboy magician & storyteller Dale Hopkins!
Dale is the winner of the Fraser Valley Magic Circle's Showmanship of the Year Award for 2014 and the Runner Up of the Children's Entertainer of the Year.
"...his show was both amusing and captivating." Clee Varon, Public Relations Lodge at Kanakaskis, Alberta.
"...your act appealed to all ages." Maggie LaPointe, Recreation, Child Therapist Alberta Children's Hospital.
"The message at the end was perfect for out group." Gillian Lagambina, Recreation Therapist, Canuck Place Children's Hospice.
Every show is unique. You can reach Dale at 778 277 2991 or by cell phone at 604 341 1842.
You can also contact him at: wizard.1962@live.com