I.B.M. Member Profile

Comedy Magic For Special Events

Barry Gitelson / Kona, Hawaii

About Barry Gitelson



 The Great Barusky's performing history has spanned beyond three decades and does not seem to be slowing down. Private parties, community events, shopping centers, and the resorts are where you will find him using his powers for good on the stage and close up. A member of the International Brotherhood of Magicians for 26 years (he has been inducted into their Merlin Society), and the Society of American Magicians for 24, he is also one of the founding members of the Big Island Magic Club. He has been published in the MUM Magazine and performed at the World Magic Summit in Washington DC where he was a crowd favorite with his original routine about the dyslexic brother of Harry Houdini.


When not prestidigitating, Barry's time is filled with his other loves. Melting glass in a kiln under the GitelGlass brand. Working with his bonsai and other plants in the garden. Playing table tennis. And spending time at home with his wife, Kris, and the kitties. And, in 2014, he was a contestant on the TV show Wheel of Fortune.




E noho hau'oli,


e aloha,


e 'aka.




Need to add that special something to your event?


(808) 323-9707, (808) 936-2046


or alohamagic@aol.com.