The EDF Board has identified the following priority initiatives. Donations received from I.B.M. members and other fundraising sources will be devoted to these programs.
· Honor Rings. Encourage the creation of new Honor Rings, defined as Rings that have achieved excellence in promoting the objectives of I.B.M. Rings interested in achieving this highest level of distinction should submit an application at any time to the EDF. The application should include the following six items:
1. Brief Ring History
2. Outstanding Attributes
3. Notable Past and Present Members
4. Leadership Development
5. Youth Programs
6. Community Service and Outreach
Beyond addressing these six items, please include an appendix that includes a list of the names and membership numbers of all of your Ring members. Further, include the following sentence in your appendix listing.
In submitting this Honor Ring application, we affirm that (1) all members listed constitute the entire membership of our Ring, and (2) all members represent acceptable standards of moral and ethical behavior.
No specific application form is required. All Ring members must also be members at the International level. This can be verified by your Territorial Vice President (TVP), EDF, or the International Headquarters. The EDF Board will review all applications promptly and award a $1,000 grant to each approved application. Applications failing to meet the established evaluation criteria will be given feedback with suggestions for revision. As of October 2019, the following Rings have achieved Honor Ring status:
1. Ring 1, St Louis
2. Ring 9, Atlanta
3. Ring 12, Buffalo
4. Ring 76, San Diego
5. Ring 92, Vancouver
6. Ring 244, New York
7. Ring 41, Milwaukee
8. Ring 5, Dayton
Is your Ring next?
For more information on how to apply for an Honor Ring designation, see the section on EDF fiscal initiatives.
· Lance Burton Teen Seminar. Supporting the youth is a prime responsibility of the Endowment and Development Fund. One major way of fulfilling this responsibility is by sponsoring the Lance Burton Teen Seminar at annual I.B.M. conventions. In recent years, the Seminars have been led by such top-flite professional magicians as Lance Burton, Mac King, Jeff McBride, Eugene Burger and Larry Hass. All youth attending the day long seminars learn from the masters at no cost and receive used items or premiums donated by convention magic dealers. In recent years, the Seminar has increased in the number of attendees and complexity. To maintain a high-quality learning experience, EDF has retained the services of a Teen Seminar Administrator to manage details before, during, and after the seminar.
· Distinguished Lecture Series. A new programming initiative will be the sponsorship of a distinguished lecture by a prominent individual rarely seen at magic conventions, one with special insights into the performing arts but is not necessarily known as a magician. Consistent with its by-laws, EDF supports magic learning experiences that go beyond the boundaries of what I.B.M. itself supports.