I.B.M. Member Profile
About Steve Gardner
YIKES!!...I hope there's not a Fire Marshall in the house! A fiery performance from days when I had more hair and less weight! WELCOME! This website is currently under construction, so please be patient while it moves toward completion. If you are viewing this, it is probably because you are a close friend or family member, as I did not want to unveil it in a public way until it is completed. I wanted only those who were most special in my life to get a first glimpse. You will know who you are. There are many more photos I would like to post but will be unable to do so because this IBM sponsored site only provides space for one picture per site page. I would still like to have my own site one day when I can find someone who does that sort of thing professionally so I can add all my pics. My two previous attempts to enlist a professional webmaster have met with a certain degree of, shall we say, uh...misadventure, so if you have a webmaster in your circle of friends, send them my way. I want to thank the International Brotherhood of Magicians for providing me with this opportunity to chronicle my former career as a semi-professional magician. I was inducted into the Order of Merlin by the IBM at their annual convention in Orlando in July 2006. It is a form of recognition that I would not have thought possible when I started in magic. Ultimately the credit for all you will see here (and so much more) goes to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for providing me with the skills, abilities, and opportunities to achieve the accomplishments and life experiences that you will read about here. God has blessed me to go many places and meet many people I would have never been able to do otherwise. As I begin to do the research necessary to construct this site (going through scrapbooks, etc.), I am truly humbled by all He has done. Scroll down to the bottom of this page to click on links to more pics and info. There is so much more I would like to share, including some personal stories, if space allows. I may use the "Newsletter" link as a type of blog. The mystery woman in the top picture on my "Contact" page is Miss America 1987, Kellye Cash. Notice the shock on my face when I saw the photographer. Don't ask where my right hand is!! Then, just for fun, see if you recognize the zany celeb being dazzled by one of my card tricks in the picture below that one. Stay tuned to this work in progress and thanks for visiting! Enjoy! Prov. 18:16