I.B.M. Member Profile
IBM Life Member & Louisville's Family Magician
Family Friendly Entertainment for ALL Ages.
About Michael Raymer
Michael is a professional full-time magician from Louisville, KY . Michael became interested in magic while watching Presto the Magic Clown (William Dopp) on WDRB, now Fox41 a local TV station, in Louisville KY. When he was about 7 years old, he received The Chest of Magic, magic set, for Christmas.
Several TV Magic magic sets later and Michael started performing semi-professionally at the age of 13 performing for local birthday parties and churches.
He started going to Caufield's magic counter where he met a fellow magician by the name of Mac King who invited him to the local magic club.
It was there he met Louisville Magician and Orthodontist Dr. Robert Escher, whom he had been seeing as an orthodontist but did not know his connection to magic. Robert Escher would later become the president of the Louisville Magic Club and The International President of the IBM. Michael also met other founding members of the club, Sherrell Nunnelley and Harry Collins and was introduced by Collins to Lance Burton.
Meeting Delbert Hillegas, a Graphics Arts instructor changed his life. Delbert invited him to come check out the printing department at PRP Vocational School. Michael later went through that program and learned all he could about graphic arts - eventually helping him to run his own successful printing company from 1993 - 2010.
In 2004 he took over as bulletin editor for the Louisville Magic Club from long-time editor Earl Bullard. Michael served in this role for over 14 years. He also served as the editor/creator of The Magic SYMbol an internatinal magazine for the Society of Young Magicians of the Society of American magicians from 2007 - 2015.
He has been a regional deputy and a Regional Vice President for the Society of American Magicians, where he is also a life member.
Michael owns the Louisville Magic Academy where he teaches magic to young magicians ages 7 and up.
Michael Served as a Vice President and then a six year term as the President of the Louisville Magic Club, Lance Burton/Okito Ring 64.