I.B.M. Member Profile
DrMichaelMajick Mike Likey
Family Entertainment for Every Occasion: Television's Magic Mike Likey
About Majick Mike Likey
Dr. Michael (Majick Mike) Likey has been a professional magician since 1981.
Performing 250 shows a year (close-up, stage, and platform) for 13 years, he also owns and operated Merry Minstrel Majick, a mail-order and brick-and-morter magic-shop, (today online) since 1989. His international customers included those from Italy, Africa, the U.S., and Canada.
He is the creator of some original magic, which has also been written up in the M.U.M. and Linking Ring magazines.
He is most famous for his television program ("Magic Mike's Castle") which ran for nine years on VPW Winnipeg, as well as for his weekly appearances on CTV Winnipeg's children's TV-show, "s'Kiddlebits" with Joey Gregorash. Other credits include appearing in a medieval feast for ten years, "Lord Gort's Feast".
He is the creator of several animated shorts and color comics, "The Adventures of the Young Magic Mike's Castle", and he teaches magic as well.
He has three doctorates: a Doctor of Divinity, (D.D.) a Ph.D. Specializing in Mystical Research, (Ph.D.) and a Doctor of Theocentric Psychology. (PsyTh.D.) He is the author of 46 self-help hardcover and paperback books available from Amazon, as well as a dozen magic-related paperbacks, CD's, and DVD's, also on Amazon.
Currently, he is a Member of The Magic Circle-MMC, First V.P. and Canadian Envoy for The Society of American Magicians International Assembly, and Host/Presenter of Magical People Live, and Friday Night Wizard Emporium.
Linktr.ee: https://linktr.ee/drmichaelmajickmikelikey
Website: http://www.majickmikelikey.com