I.B.M. Member Profile
Larry Marken
About Larry Marken
Larry Marken really didn’t get into magic until his mid 30s and then thanks to his Karate instructor, Gary Purdue, who was an active magician with Ring 90, The Albuquerque Magicians Club. During those and numerous following years, Larry performed variously at children’s birthday parties, civic events, Blue and Gold scout banquets, Christmas events, etc.
Now a (VERY) senior citizen, he is not as continually active as in the past but still regularly performs (in non-Covid times, anyway) at el Rancho de las Golondrinas, a living history museum south of Santa Fe NM. His alter egos include Professor Calamitus C. Cheesecurdle, a traditional top hat and tails 19th Century magician and El Mago Vagando (Spanish for “The Wandering Magician”) at the Santa Fe Renaissance Fair.
At el Rancho de las Golondrinas, Larry is also an active volunteer docent and western reenactor, having portrayed such legendary historic characters as (an elderly) Elfego Baca and Old Bill Williams (whom he also, for several years, portrayed as a Chautauqua presenter with the New Mexico Humanities Council).
More recently, Larry has become a “STEMonstrator” (as Professor Cheesecurdle) at the annual Albuquerque Super Stem Saturday at which he has a personal booth, When Science Seem Magical, where he presents a wide variety of scientific, mathematical, chemical, magnetic, etc. effects that produce intriguing and surprising results that can indeed seem almost magical. At these events, Professor Cheesecurdle also does a couple of 20-minute stage shows featuring traditional (unrevealed) larger magic effects.
Larry also does occasional parties for special friends and always enjoys an opportunity for some fun close-up conjuring.