I.B.M. Member Profile
Coombs The Conjurer, Magical Entertainer
About Fritz Coombs
Frederick "Fritz" Coombs is a long-time member of the I.B.M. and Ring #2.
A practicing attorney by training, Fritz is also an accomplished magical entertainer, performing as two entirely different personnas. As "Coombs the Conjuer," he presents a program of entertainment consisting of what one newspaper called " a series of bad puns interrupted by an occasional miracle." Over the years, "Coombs the Conjurer" has entertianed hundereds of audiences, ranging from private parties to banquets for fraternal, church and civic groups.
Fritz also performs as "Merlin," in which he appears as the legendary wizard of King Arthur's Court. Portraying a sometimes befuddled old wonder-worker, audiences looking for something "a little different" have enjoyed this trip back to medieval times.
Fritz has recently developed a specialty act for St. Patrick's Day festivities, " Seamus O'Foole."
Being active in Boy Scouting, Fritz had also developed his "Magical Cubmaster" act, just the thing for Blue and Gold dinners.