I.B.M. Member Profile

Autumn Morning Star

About Autumn Morning Star

Autumn Morning Star is simply

the BEST KEPT SECRET in magic!

She is a full-time professional magician and illusionist. She has a solo touring show, a large touring show with a cast of three, and a touring grand illusion show with a cast of four. Autumn has been working as a full-time magician for over thirty-years and performs her show nationally and internationally, in five different languages.

Autumn raised a daughter alone, put herself through college, and kept a perfect credit history on a magician's salary. That's right: Her ONLY job for more than thirty years has been MAGIC! (Wouldn't you LOVE to work for yourself as a full-time magician?) It CAN be done and Autumn Morning Star can show you how to create a successful magic business!

Autumn Morning Star has fascinated thousands of audiences across the country and around the world with her show, Shadow of the Wind. As a full-time professional magician, she artfully blends magic and illusion with her Native American heritage to create an entertainment experience unique to the world of magic! Morning Star will captivate you and take you from slap-your-thigh laughter to heartfelt tears in a matter of minutes.

When Autumn headlined at Magic in the Rockies, she and her three-member cast performed the finale' act during the packed public show. Later, she lectured and performed for a mesmerized crowd of magicians, who gave her a whole-hearted standing ovation.

One reviewer wrote:

“Everyone had favorite moments [at the Magic in the Rockies convention in Fort Collins, CO]. Your scribe’s highlight was the carefully crafted lecture by the September 2013 M-U-M cover subject, Autumn Morning Star. She balanced the personal convictions she teaches with exuberant samples of her performing persona.”
Dr. Ron Dutton, Secretary, S.A.M. Assembly 292, Greeley, CO.


Autumn’s magic club lecture is entitled:

“One of a Kind”

How to Create Your Unique Stage Character!

Autumn shows you ways to create a wildly successful magic character that will set you apart from the rest of the magicians. This workshop helps magicians identify and create a unique stage character by using universally recognized archetypes to define, enhance, and create a one-of-a-kind show! Participants will explore helpful methods to locate archetypes that define each magician. STOP using borrowed patter that does not fit you! Get EXCITED about magic again! Create a new character that you are passionate about and you will truly enchant your audience! This workshop is 1.5 hours long with time for questions and answers.



Here are a few published lecture reviews from The Linking Ring and M-U-M:

“On November 5, the Louisville magic club met…for a special night of magic. Between 50 and 60 members came to watch and learn from one of the most entertaining, educated and inspiring lecturers on the circuit. The first half of the presentation was given on how to improve our magic, our presentations, and ourselves and develop the kind of show we would love to do. Not since Fitzkee and Henning have we been given such tools to stir our imagination. ”
Tom Crecelius, S.A.M. Assembly 215, Louisville, KY.

“If you have never read a Ring 56 report before, don’t miss this one! To miss it would be to miss out on one of the single best things you could do for your club and that is to host Autumn Morning Star to your organization. She is a remarkable lady who weaves her Choctaw and Blackfeet heritage into her storytelling magic with such grace and charm that you can’t help but become smitten by her presence. Her use of magic props in storytelling isn’t new, but her heart and soul shine through the illusions in her words and stories as she shows how, in spite of where we come from, we all share a common heartbeat. She is one of a kind and incredibly touching and she is a must have to visit your Ring. I promise that you haven’t experienced anyone like her.”
Lewis Chaney, I.B.M. Ring 56, Evansville, IN.

Add Autumn Morning Star to your club and convention calendar!

Autumn's show and lecture will change the way YOU do magic!  Please Note: Autumn Morning Star books a limited number of magic lectures every year. If you are one of the select magic clubs who is planning a quality lecture series, you will book her in advance! Give her a call at 303-828-3555 or email her at magic@magicmorningstar.com!

Give her a call at 303-828-3555 or email her at magic@magicmorningstar.com!  Website: www.magicmorningstar.com