Windy & Sunny is NOT a weather report
Category: News Posted by: I.B.M. Website Editor
Anytime you hear an unusual name in the Wonderful World of Magic, you should suspect that it probably is the name of a magician or magic team or a magic act. So when I heard that friend Paul Lelekis had written a feature story about "Windy & Sunny," I concluded it was NOT a weather report. And sure enough, right there in the December issue of The Linking Ring is a nice profile of Russell and Maryellen Douton of Seminole, Florida, who have been making people wonder and laugh for over six decades.
And in addition to having a terrific name for a magic act, another amazing thing about Russell and Maryellen Douton is that they are eighty-four and eighty-one years old -- Paul uses the politically-correct term "young" -- and are still going strong. After all, why stop when you're having fun?
There are all kinds of interesting tidbits in Paul's article, from the fact that the Douton's have been married for over sixty years (they celebrated their Golden Anniversary in 2000), to the fact that BOTH of them have been I.B.M. members for over forty-five years.
So plan on downloading the December issue, or read the digital edition online -- while you wait for your hard copy -- and get to know Windy and Sunny even more, including seeing twelve neat photos of them in action. Thanks, Paul, Windy and Sunny for sharing. To contact Windy & Sunny e-mail them at Visit their Website and take a look around:
EDITOR'S NOTE: Know of other neat stories like the Doutons? Contact Sammy Smith, editor of The Linking Ring, with your nominations. We'll follow through. If YOU would like to write that story -- or if you KNOW someone who could write it, let Sammy know that, too.