Visiting the Rings of the World (China)
Category: Blog Posted by: Shawn Farquhar
Well, the day after being inducted as the International President of the I.B.M. I hit the ground running. Technically I got up at 4:00 AM and got in a car going to an airport, but you knew what I meant. First stop, China.
China has more than 10,000 amateur magicians and we have quite a good presences in the area. Ring 360, Taipei; Ring 311, Shanghai; Ring 357, Macau; and Ring 277 Hong Kong. Albert Tam is the current TVP covering the region. He is a full-time professional magician and devotes a lot of time to the development of magic around the world.
So far I have performed in eight theatres in as many cities and have met magicians at each stop along the way. The thing that stands out the most for me is the age of the magicians. I am always the oldest guy in the room! Magic is youthful and exciting in China. The average age appears to be about twenty-four and for the most part they are devoted students of our art.
If we continue to foster growth in this region we are certain to gain much from our friends in the East.