October Linking Ring salutes Willmarth and Franco
Category: Blog Posted by: C. DENNIS SCHICK
The October issue of The Linking Ring salutes on its cover Phil Willmarth, its longtime Assistant Editor (1978-1992) and Executive Editor (1992-2007). He also was International President of the I.B.M., 2007-08. He died at age 83 on September 16. This issue includes eleven pages of tributes to him by many of his friends and colleagues from over the years. Included is an article on him by Past International President Jack White with Dr. Steven Schlanger, and many photos of Phil.
Also in this issue is a timely salute to MAT FRANCO, the first magician to win the largest talent competition in the world -- America's Got Talent. He won one million dollars and the chance to headline two shows at Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas. (Of course the other five finalists ALSO got to be on that show, so it wasn't an exclusive appearance by the winner). The Linking Ring got an exclusive interview with him on Tuesday after he won, so read about it, too.
Also in the October issue are two Houdini-related articles. One is a review of the recent mini-series on The History Channel about the life of Houdini; and the other is a report on the recent historic auction of rare Houdini equipment and memorabilia.
If your Ring has never used its collective talents to take joy and laughter out to local hospitals, here is your chance to learn how to do it. The I.B.M. has a template program giving you everything you need to know about doing just that. It's called "Operation Tricks are Treats." Read all about it from one of the magicians who founded it, Scott Hood.
Dale Salwak has been off traveling again from his college teaching job in California. This time he brings us a report on a magic exhibition in South Korea.
Of course the issue is filled out with its usual collection of columns, departments, tricks and other features -- making it the most anticipated and appreciated magic publication every month.
Remember, you can read the digital version online right here on the first day of every month, or can download the PDF of the issue at the same time, while you are waiting for your hard copy to arrive in the mail.
A deep thanks to all the advertisers in the issue who help make it possible, as well as all the writers and artists who put it all together.