The I.B.M. Blog & Articles

The International Brotherhood of Magicians

29 Oct

November Linking Ring features Cohen, Herrmann, and Bertuzzi

Category: News   Posted by: C. DENNIS SCHICK

The November issue of The Linking Ring features Steve Cohen on the cover and in an inside story by Don Greenberg. Read how Steve came up with the idea of carving out a special niche audience to play to, and how he has developed it into a lucrative career. He even shares his “Eleven Commandments of Parlor Magic” -- what he does best. 

David Meyer gives us some insights into the life and times of Alexander Herrmann in “Homage to Herrmann.”  In keeping with the articles on magic history for which The Linking Ring is famous, Meyer tells about the many books that appeared at the turn of the 20th century, bearing Herrmann's name but not written by him. It’s a fascinating read.


During his seventy-two years, Joe Bertuzzi devoted hundreds of hours and countless efforts on behalf of the I.B.M., and thus is deserving of the four-page In Memoriam written about him by his friend Bill Spooner. Bertuzzi died September 28, and his obituary is in this month’s Broken Wand.


A short feature story introduces readers to The Florida Theatre, the site of the evening shows at next year’s I.B.M. Convention in Jacksonville, Florida, July 15-18, 2015. It is one of those classic movie theaters which has been lovingly restored and which gets jaw-dropping stares in its own right. What a thrill it will be to be part of the audience and/or to perform on that stage. Check out the article and photos.


In the October issue, Scott Hood reminded I.B.M. members that there is an approved plan and instructions for magicians to visit hospitals, called “Operation Tricks Are Treats.”  This month he continues that discussion, giving information about how to volunteer for these projects in your community. Those who have done this say it is one of the most rewarding things they have ever done. Scott is willing to help any Rings to get started in implementing this program. He tells you how to get started.


Coverage of the 2014 Combined Convention in St. Louis continues, with reviews of various lectures: Henry Evans, David Stone, Miguel Angel Gea, Christian Engblom, and Dani DaOrtiz.


Continuing the profiles of I.B.M. Territorial Vice Presidents, S. Patrick Toman, the TVP for Eastern Pennsylvania, is featured. 


Dale Salwak, our Assistant Editor and I.B.M. International Ambassador, brings us a first-hand report of the Second Biennial China Beijing International Magic Carnival. Dr. Salwak has established a close relationship with magicians and other officials in Asia, and we get an up-close-and-personal insiders view.


This month’s Hocus Pocus Parade was written by Dr. H. Frederick Reisz, Jr., a sixty-year veteran performer from South Carolina. He contributes ten effects. Other tricks can be found in The Card Corner, Ways and Means, Numismagic, Simple Diversions, Expert at the Tech Table, and Storytelling Magic. 


Add to those the regular columns from the editor and the president; and from Bev Bergeron, John Tudor, Skip Way, Adele Friel Rhindress,  and Peter Scarlett; and other popular features like Hocus in Focus (product reviews), Ring Reports, Pictures from the Past, and the Youth Trivia Contest, and you can see why The Linking RIng is so popular with I.B.M. members -- as well as adertisers.   





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