Monthly Call for Ring Leadership on Zoom
Category: Events Posted by: SIMONE MARRON
Running a local Ring can be hard.
As a past president of my local Ring in Atlanta, GA (Ring 9), one of the most challenging aspects of the job was finding new ways to make our Ring stronger and more enjoyable for our members.
From how to raise money for the Ring beyond dues to the best way to conduct monthly meetings, and everything in between, I found myself struggling to find new and creative ideas.
That experience is the genesis of our new monthly Ring Leaders Zoom Calls.
Each month, Stephen Levine, your International President Elect, and I will host these calls – open to all Ring Officers and interested members – to provide you with an opportunity to ask questions, discuss challenges, and share ideas on how we can all make our local Rings more successful.
The key to these calls is you. Yes, we will have experts in specific areas join us from time-to-time, but we are depending on the expertise we have across our local Ring Network to drive the calls.
Our next Zoom call will be Thursday, October 10, 2024, at 9:00pm EST. Please mark your calendars now, join the call, and bring your best ideas and/or biggest concerns.
Our primary topic of discussion this month will be Member Recruiting.
Meeting Zoom Link can be found at:
Mike Dunagan
International President