March Linking Ring Features Prison Magician
Category: Blog Posted by: C. DENNIS SCHICK
What happens when a curiosity about a potential magic performing venue leads to a paid gig? How about a twenty-five year gig (and counting). That’s the fascinating story about the "Prison Magician", Hermann Carr of Ohio. Read how he got into the interesting mission, and how you can too.
Since it is 2015, naturally much of the attention of the I.B.M. administration is focused on planning for the 2015 annual convention, July 15-18 . So it is not surprising to find a three-page article about “The Magic of Jacksonville,” plus several ads about the convention.
The Hocus Pocus Parade this month is by Martti Siren, who brings “Magic for the Visually Impaired.” It includes six specialized effects, divided by Parlor Magic for the Blind, and Close-up Magic for the Blind. A Parade Bonus this month is by Ralph Felder. He described a unique Cups and Balls routine using five balls.
One of the highlights and strengths of every issue of The Linking RIng is its columns and columnists. The March issue continues that tradition.
Editor Sammy Smith’s column is always first, and this month he talks about magicians as accumulators. Across the page is I.B.M. President Shawn Farquhar’s column, in which he brings us up to date on his travels, plus some good news about members and Rings.
Adele Friel Rhindress turns her column “Magical Moments” to Gene Matsuura, who tells a fascinating story about Tony Slydini.
In Scott Hood’s column, “The Theory of Magic,” he gives advice about performing to patients in hospital rooms and in various situations.
Skip Way devotes his “Polishing the Rings” column to “I.B.M. Youth Ambassadors.”
In his column “Cutting Up Jackpots,” Bev Bergeron tells us about “Frank Van Hoven: The Man Who Made Ice Famous,” another one of his fascinating tales.
John Tudor brings us “Drawing Down the Moon” in his column “Experiments in Magic Theatre.”
Joe Turner turns his column “Ways & Means” over to Dr. Matt Baker, who brings us “Quantum Matrix.”
In Jean-Emmanuel Franzis’ column “Numismagic,” he has invited Giacomo Bertini from Italy to explain his “The Ambitious Coin” to us.
“Simple Diversions” by Andrew Woo has the heading “A Toast for You.”
Jeff Prace turns his column “The Expert at the Tech Table” over to Shawn Farquhar, who describes “Toxico.”
A new column is “Situationally Yours,” by Chris Beason. After explaining what his column will deal with, he asks Jeff Prace to describe “Strawesome,” which Beasons considers a perfect example of what he is talking about.
That’s TEN columns with SOLID magic. Enjoy.
A special feature article this month is “Tax tips for the part-time performer,” by Fort Smith, Arkansas CPA Dane Dover. Just in time before the April tax deadline.
Another special feature is a “Tribute to a Storyteller,” an In Memoriam to Ed Solomon, long-time columnist for The Linking RIng, who died January 4. It includes some of his writings from his Web page:
Al Lampkin gives magicians some first-hand advice regarding having an agent in his feature article, “If I could only get an agent.”
Steven Schlanger gives some advice on how to best use the new I.B.M. member benefit, access to the Ask Alexander archives. Read carefully in order to take advantage of this terrific new benefit.
And Schlanger also gives a historical perspective on I.B.M. conventions, in “You’ve come a long way, baby! From Kenton to Jacksonville.”
Angelique Steelgrave brings us a review and preview of the Oceanside Magic Invitational in April.
One of the popular sections of each issue is the first-hand reports in “Ring Events.” This month there are reports and photos from Ring 6 (Springfield, Pennsylvania); Ring 19 (Minneapolis); Ring 50 (Washington, D.C.); Ring 185 (Hawaii); Ring 205 (Lima/Findlay, Ohio); Ring 211 (Grand Rapids, Michigan); Ring 252 (Murfreesboro, Tennessee); and Ring 390 (new Ring from Florida).
The Hocus in Focus section this month features reviews of thirteen new magic products.
Twelve magicians are honored in the Broken Wand this month, and sixty-one Rings turned in reports for the RIng Reports section.
And then there are lots of miscellaneous items, such as the announcement of Ring 76 in San Diego being named an I.B.M. Honor Ring; a tribute to Don Wiberg for his “Commitment and Passion;” a salute to Michigan TVP John Luka; A list of all Ring Locations (country-by-country, state-by-state); a list of Sick and Convalescent; the Youth Trivia Contest and Pictures From the Past.
ADVERTISEMENTS are the lifeblood of most print publications, and that is no different for The Linking Ring, the official monthly publication of the International Brotherhood of Magicians. And if magicians and magic dealers are going to continue to advertise in the magazine, they must get some RESULTS. So we urge you to not only read and study ALL the ads, but to go to their Web sites, and BUY from them. And please say you saw their ads in The Linking Ring!
Here are all the ads, in order from front-to-back, and by size:
IBM (Jacksonville convention) (two-page ad) (two-page ad) Global distribution network (two-page ad)
Oceanside Magic Invitational convention, Cape Cod
IBM insurance ( (balloons)
Robbins & Co. (EZ MAGIC) (Wholesale magic)
Genii: The Conjurors’ Convention
Hampson Mowrer Kreitz Insurance (MK)
The Magic Bakery
Midwest Magic History Weekend (Marshall, MI)
Daytona Magic
OTHER SIZE ADS: (knives)
International Magic Auction Gallery