IBM/SAM Convention opens in Louisville, Kentucky
Category: News Posted by: C. DENNIS SCHICK
The 2017 Combined Convention of the International Brotherhood of Magicians and the Society of American Magicians opened Tuesday, July 11, with several major events. We’re calling this DAY ONE. For TEENS, the convention began with their “Lance Burton Teen Magic Seminar and Workshop.” Dozens of aspiring magicians who were registered for the Convention, came early to attend the free seminar. This annual affair of I.B.M. Conventions features some of the top magicians in the world who volunteer their time and talents to help mentor future magicians. In fact, numerous popular magicians today came through previous Lance Burton Teen Magic Seminars.
During the day Tuesday all kinds of behind-the-scenes activities took place, including I.B.M. and S.A.M. committee meetings and setting up the Registration and Dealers areas. Most convention attendees do not see -- and therefore do not appreciate -- the hundreds of hours put in by staff members and volunteers, to make the convention enjoyable and run smoothly. Thanks to all of them for all they do for magic and for these two outstanding organizations.
Aside from the Teen Seminar and registration officially opening on Tuesday, the featured events of the day were the evening Red Carpet Event -- including the Premiere showing of Lance Burton’s new movie, “Billy Topit” -- and the always-popular Magic Stars Autograph Session and Grand Opening of the Dealers Room. Lance Burton and Mac King -- life-long Kentucky friends, and Super Stars of Magic -- were special guests for the evening and for the entire convention.
As with most magic conventions, magic continued into the wee small hours ofWednesday morning. As someone always says, “You can catch up on sleep when you get back home. You can’t miss getting to rub elbows with old friends and with some of the top magicians in the world!”
We will continue to review and even preview more of this historic convention each day, including a few photos taken by official I.B.M. photographer Michael Messing. And complete coverage of the convention will appear in the next three issues of The Linking Ring.