I.B.M. Ring Meetings Start to Take Place In Person Again
Category: Blog Posted by: SIMONE MARRON
As reported last night by Alan Fisher from I.B.M. Ring 252:
Last night my magic club, IBM Ring 252, held it’s June in-person meeting and I was able to attend. We also had many guests and former members visiting including my good friend and International IBM President Stephen Bargatze. Stephen was there in an official capacity to hand out several IBM Presidential Citations. One was to a special visitor, Kristen Johnson (Lady Houdini) who along with her husband Kevin Ridgeway stopped by in route between fair bookings. Another was to one of our Ring’s charter members Tom Gibson. Yet another was to my buddy Kevin King. And, much to my surprise, one was to me. It reads:
International Brotherhood of Magicians
Presidential Citation
Be it known that with the power granted to me by the Constitution of the International Brotherhood of Magicians thereby issue this presidential citation to
Alan Fisher.
Alan in spite of being a friend of mine I wanted to use the power of my office to honor you for all you have done for the art of magic. Not only have I personally benefited in knowing you but Ring 252 has had the benefit of your service and magic. You have always promoted the IBM as well as Ring 252. Congrats on all you have accomplished in magic and for magic, FISM and FFFF being just a small part of it. Best of all your cheerfulness and always welcoming attitude toward fellow magicians. I am a better person knowing you.
Witness the hand and seal of my office during the term of my presidency
Stephen Bargatze
2020 - 2021
My deepest and sincere thanks to Stephen for this unexpected honor. Despite what it says in the citation, I am the better person for having known him.