I.B.M. Members Gain Access To All Issues of the Linking Ring
Category: Resources Posted by: SIMONE MARRON
Thanks to the generosity of the I.B.M. Endowment and Development Fund, I.B.M. members choosing to receive The Linking Ring now have digital access to all issues going back to 1922. These historic journals have been scanned by the Conjuring Arts Research Center and are searchable through their Ask Alexander database.
Continuously published for over nine decades, The Linking Ring has become the “journal of record” for magic and magicians around the world. Enjoy searching for your own name and the names of friends who have appeared in Ring Reports; conduct historical research; and access thousands of pages of original magic contributions in the popular Hocus Pocus Parade and trick columns.
To access this rich resource, login to your account at www.magician.org and select “Access The Linking Ring Collection” on your member dashboard. (It’s the second item on your list, right under “View Current Issue of The Linking Ring”)
You will automatically be redirected to Ask Alexander. Once you set up your account (a simple process), you will be able to go directly to the database during future logins to your www.magician.org account. No additional login will be required. If you already have an Ask Alexander account, you can link it with your I.B.M. account.
In addition to this incredible access to The Linking Ring archives, I.B.M. members may also view most of the souvenir programs from I.B.M. Conventions going back to 1926! Also, a huge and fascinating database of Victorian Popular Culture is open to I.B.M. members – all included in your membership when you choose to receive The Linking Ring.
Questions about your account? Contact webmaster@magician.org.