Four magic acts still alive in America's Got Talent
Category: Posted by: C. DENNIS SCHICK
In looking at the CONTESTANTS page on the America's Got Talent section of, it appears that FOUR (4) magic acts are STILL in the current competition of the program. This is terrific for the world of magic.
It appears that the two acts already through are: David and Leeman, and Mike Super, who was saved by Mel B. as her Wild Card. Super took the advice of Howard and dropped his psychic friend, Desmond.
The two remaining magic acts are a bar magician, Smoothini, and a college circuit magician, Mat Franco. Smoothini is Tomas de la Cruz. Born in the Dominican Republic and raised in New York City, he is a marine veteran, and has been making his living performing at bars and restaurants, as well as festivals and on college stages. Franco, from New England, has been entertaining college audiences since he graduated college himself.
If you go to, then click on the America's Got Talent icon, you can go to "CONTESTANTS" and see all of those who are still alive. There is even a video of each contestant's act. Then watch the show Tuesday night, and vote on your computer from immediately after the show until noon EDT on Wednesday. You can vote TEN times, splitting them between several contestants, or vote ten times for a single performer. On the Wednesday night show, the remaining finalists will be named.