England's Derren Brown on October Linking Ring's Cover
Category: Blog Posted by: C. DENNIS SCHICK
In their columns to open the October issue of The Linking Ring, Editor Sammy Smith tells a fun story about his relationship with his grandmother, and International I.B.M. President Bob Patterson tells about his travels on behalf of the I.B.M. since the last issue, as well as continues to urge all I.B.M. members not only to promote magic, but also to register for the 2018 I.B.M. Convention in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
So where has Britain’s Derren Brown been all these years? For the past fifteen years, according to Simone Marron’s profile of him, he has been becoming a superstar magician in his native Great Britain. Read how he became that superstar, and what he is doing in the United States now.
Everything about Harry Houdini continues to fascinate many people, even nine decades after he died (in 1926). So when his old abode at 278 West 113th in New York City came up for sale, John Cox took advantage of an open house and toured the property. He combined this in-person look with other research he had done, and has produced a remarkable piece about Houdini’s old house, complete with floor plans and lots of photos. What a valuable historical piece.
Dan Stapleton began his “In Search of the Great Heaney” in the May issue of The Linking Ring. In this issue he concludes his story with “The Epilogue.” Coverage of the I.B.M.-S.A.M. Combined Convention in July continues with twenty-three photos over five pages of the Order of Merlin Breakfast. Robin Dawes brings us his in-person experience at this year’s FFFF convention.
Ring Events this issue came from Ring 55 (Phoenix, Arizona), Ring 60 (Austin, Texas), Ring 185 (Honolulu, Hawaii), and Ring 257 (Las Vegas, Nevada). If you were not able to attend Florida’s first Close-up/Parlor Conference and Competition -- called Magicpalooza -- in Orlando in May, you can read a report about it from Luciano de Pazos.
Columns in October include: MARKETING MAGIC by Kent Cummins, “Think Small;” MAGIC WORDS MATTER, by Dr. Lynn Miner, “Scripting: Initial Edits;” CUTTING UP JACKPOTS, by Bev Bergeron, “World’s Greatest Authority Speaker;” POLISHING THE RINGS, by Skip Way, “The Rules of Magic;” THE CARD CORNER, by Mike Powers, who turns his column over to Marty Kane, who brings us. “Car Jack-King;” NUMISMAGIC, by Jean-Emmanuel Franzis, “Jean-Pierre Vallarino’s Four Coin Production;” SIMPLE DIVERSIONS, by Andrew Woo, “A Box of Four Easy Pieces;” AUTO-MAGIC, by Michael Breggar, “A Whole Empty Brain;” RING RESOURCES, by Dr. Lynn Miner, “More on Magic Education.”
The HOCUS POCUS PARADE comes from National Capital Ring 50, snd was compiled by John Roberts. It includes fourteen effects. The HOCUS IN FOCUS section brings reviews of nine new magic effects, books and DVDs for your consideration before you buy. The BROKEN WAND pays tribute to fifteen magicians who have died. RING REPORTS came in from sixty-three Rings.
High on the list of popular features of each issue of The Linking Ring are the advertisements -- the official “sponsors” of each issue. Here are all the advertisers in the October 2017 issue, IN ORDER, front to back. Please go to the Websites of every advertiser, and click through to see what products and services they have to offer. And if you contact and/or BUY from them, please say you saw their ad in The Linking Ring. That is one reason why they continue as advertisers, and to help pay for the magazine. Here are the October advertisers, in order:
I.B.M. 2018 Convention, July 4-7, Grand Rapids, Michigan
The Linking Ring (advertising sizes and costs chart)
www.associationpros.com/ibm (year-around health insurance)
The Magic Bakery, www.themsgicbakery.com (Steve Dobson’s “Works”)
Show-Biz Services, www.showbizmagic.net (SvenPads)
www.larocksmagic.com (balloons)
Murphy’s Magic Supplies, www.murphymagic.com
www.magictalent.com (online magician’s directory)
Custom Magic Kits, www.custommagickits.com
Tom Burgoon, www.tomburgoon.com (“Now that’s funny” products)
International Magic Auction Suctions & Sales, www.internationalmagicauction.com
Mogar Knives, www.joemogar.com
www.Magicianscottage.com -- “Save a bundle.”
www.ahouseoffire.com, “For all your fire needs.”www.maxello.com, “Great magic, great prices.”
Syzygy, January 2018.
www.ginnmagic.com, “The Home of Kidshow Magic.”
Bradbury Books & Beyond, www.bradburybooks.com, “Books, books, books, & more.”
www.trickshop.com, “Hard-to-find gems from magic & mentalism’s past in PDF format.”
Iowa Magic Shop, Iowa’s only magic shop,” www.iowamagicshop.com
HMK Insurance, liability insurance, www.hmk-ins.com
The Magic of Johnny Thompson, www.magicana.com/Thompson
Potter & Potter Auctions, Blackstone Magic Auction, www.potterauctions.com