Combined I.B.M./S.A.M. Convention kicks off in St. Louis
Category: News Posted by: C. DENNIS SCHICK
So when did the Combined I.B.M./S.A.M Convention in St. Louis really start? It depends on who you asked. If you asked a couple dozen youth, they would say it started Sunday, June 29, with the Lance Burton Young Magician's Seminar. If you asked the registration crew, they would say Monday at 2 pm when Registration opened. If you asked any of the Vendors, they would say 5 pm when attendees got an Early Bird View of the Vendors Exposition. Of course things really got jumping Monday evening with the Opening Night Welcome Party, followed by the first lecture of the convention, by Henry Evans at 10 pm.
An equally intriguing question is when did the "First Day of the Convention" end? The answer, of course, is "Never." Magic always continues long after midnight, and into the wee hours of the morning, with magic going on in hallways, lounges, lobbies, meeting rooms, hospitality suites -- you name it. As has been pointed out by veteran convention-goers: "Sleep is highly overrated. You can catch up on your sleep when you get home."