BREAKING NEWS!! - Lance Burton Teen Seminar Scholarships
Category: Convention Posted by: SIMONE MARRON
The Endowment and Development Fund (EDF) has just created two partial travel scholarship for young magicians wishing to attend the 2019 Lance Burton Teen Seminar in Scottsdale, AZ on July 8-10. While the Seminar is free to those who attend, EDF doesn’t want travel costs to be a barrier that prohibits their attendance. The two scholarships will pay up to $500 each for teens living outside of Arizona. Payment for the scholarships will be on a reimbursement basis upon receipt of appropriate documentation. The travel costs are restricted to economy airfare or mileage reimbursement at the rate of $0.545 per mile. Interested teens should download and complete the application form (below) and submit it electronically to Simone Marron at She will review the application for accuracy and completeness. If judged acceptable, it will be forwarded to the LBTS core faculty for review. Final decisions, including winners and alternates, will be announced on May 15.
Lance Burton Teen Seminar Travel Scholarships.docx