Local I.B.M. Rings

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Please call the I.B.M. Headquarters Office in St. Charles, Missouri, USA (636.724.2400) for additional information regarding possible I.B.M. Rings.

Attention, officers: Please contact the I.B.M. Headquarters Office to update your Ring information. Thank you!

Local Rings for

Ring 148 - Garden City Ring

Adelaide, Australia

Contact:  Stephen Burford, 60 Cashel St, St Marys, AS 5042 Australia
When:  4th Wednesday of the Month at 7:30pm
Location:  Magicians Club Rooms, The Bomb Shelter, Corner South Road and Ashley St., Thebarton SA
Phone:  +61402462881
Email:  IBM.Ring148@gmail.com

Oliver Ring - 273

Canberra, ACT

Contact:  Peter Foster, 3 Gibbs Place, Kambah, ACT 2902, Australia
When:  Meets 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:30 pm
Location:  The Burns Club in Kambah
Phone:  612-62312245
Email:  pfoster@pcug.org.au

Ring 84 - Charles Waller Ring

Melbourne, Australia

Contact:  Wal Parker, 397 Hawthorn Road, Caulfield South, Vic 3162 Australia
When:  Meets 1st Monday of the Month at 7:30pm (except January)
Location:  Bells Hotel, 157 Moray Street, South Melbourne
Phone:  (03) 9528 2672
Email:  walpkr@melbpc.org.au

Ring 102 - Maurice Rooklyn

New South Wales, Australia

Contact:  President: Dale Trueman, PO Box 616, Broadway, NSW, 2007 or Treasurer: Peter Wood: Phone 02 9427 1749
When:  3rd Tuesday of each month at 8:00 pm
Location:  St. Martins Anglican Church, Youth Centre Hall, 9B Arnold St, Killara
Phone:  0420 600 261
Email:  dale.trueman@yahoo.com.au

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