Frequently Asked Questions


1) Is it really FREE?

YES, the event is totally free to all members in good standing of the International Brotherhood of Magicians. If you are not currently a member or late paying your dues, we regret that you are not permitted to attend. Membership has it's privileges.


2) Can I attend a JAM in an area where I don't live?

YES, we are an international organization and you are welcome to attend any JAM anywhere in the world.


3) Who will be the stars of the event?

Well in actual fact, you will be the star.  We will provide a few well known I.B.M members to present lectures and do a small show, but you are the star.  This is a day to celebrate your magic.  Bring some along to share in the JAM sessions.


4) Who is paying to make this happen?

Each of the well known I.B.M. members are covering their own cost to fly and attend the JAM's.  None of the funds collected for the  I.B.M. are being used to fund this project.  Each sponsor of the event is responsible to provide a venue to hold the JAM.


5) How can my Ring sponsor a JAM?

Send a request to the I.B.M. President, Shawn Farquhar, and suggest a location and at least three dates.  We have plenty of time and lots of talent that wishes to participate, it's just a matter of timing.


6) What if I have more questions, who do I ask?

Well that would be Shawn Farquhar.  shawn@magichampion.com


To visit the official I.B.M. JAM Page   CLICK HERE